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File Format Index

File signatures

Most of the listed file formats start with a magic number to make them easier to identify. You can check the file signature with a hex editor:
Go to, open a file, and see what the first bytes spell out.


ID / Name File Ext. Category Description Games
FLCG .gcl Models Collisions meshes NMH NMH2
GAN2 .bin .ga2 Anim NMH NMH2
GCT0 .bin .gct Texture GHM texture format K7 NMH NMH2
GDLG .gdl ? Packed with fonts NMH NMH2
GMF2 .gm2 Model NMH NMH2
RMHG .pak .rsl Archive K7 NMH NMH2
RSAR .brsar Audio Wii audio archive. NMH NMH2
RSTM .brstm Audio Wii audio stream. NMH NMH2
SEST .bin Audio SFX table NMH NMH2
STMD .bin Audio SFX timing? NMH NMH2
STSD .bin Audio SFX NMH NMH2
STRIMAG2 .bin Font K7 NMH NMH2
THP .bin Video Movies NMH NMH2
.dat (GC) .dat Model GC model format K7

This list is non-exhaustive.