FLCG models have static collisions, and are used for terrain and invisible walls in NMH open world. The format is way simpler than GMF2.
The file is big-endian.
FLCG Contents:
- Dummy Materials
- Models
ksy spec for this format: flcg.ksy
// FLCG header 28B (or more if there are unused values in the following null
// padding)
struct FLCGHeader {
int8_t magic[4]; // 'FLCG'
int32_t version; // 1 (in Little-endian!), Probably version.
int32_t unused; // Probably unused.
uint16_t num_models; //
uint16_t num_materials; //
uint32_t off_models; // After materials?
uint32_t off_materials; // 0x40?
int32_t unkwnown; //
The version's endianness is probably the only exception in the file.
Looks like the same format as materials in GMF2, but the headers are mostly zeroed and there's no data. Maybe the data is pulled from the corresponding GMF2 file.
// FLCG Model header
// 60B (or more if there are unused values in the following padding)
struct FLCGModel {
int8_t name[8]; // Object name truncated to 8B. Shift JIS
float unkf_0x08; //
int32_t unk_0x0c; //
int8_t zeropad[8]; //
int32_t off_prev; // Linked list
int32_t off_next; // Linked list
float origin[3]; // XYZ position
int32_t unk_0x2c; // Always 0. Unused 4th component of previous vector?
float unkf_0x30; //
int32_t unused_0x34; // Always 0
int32_t off_data; //
// FLCG Model data
// 40B
struct FLCGModelData {
int32_t off_data_a; // Offset of unk. data. Immediately after this struct?
int32_t off_tris; // Offset of triangles
uint32_t num_data_a; // Number of unknown data
uint32_t num_tris; // Triangles
float unk_vec_a[3]; // These are probably a bounding box.
float unk_vec_b[3]; //
// FLCG Model data A
// 32B
struct FLCGModelDataA {
int32_t off_firstchild; // ?? Anyway, these form some kind of hierarchy.
int32_t off_next; // ?? Anyway, these form some kind of hierarchy.
int32_t off_tri; // Offset of a triangle.
int32_t flags; // Maybe
float unk_vec[4]; // 4x unknown floats
Firstchild and next are just guesses.