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Games K7 NMH NMH2

Extensions .gct .bin

DolphinTextureExtraction-tool NMH Reverse Scripts

Grasshopper texture file.

A very simple texture container. Contains a small header and data starting from 0x40.

// Header

char magic[4] = 'GCT0';
int encoding;           // See enum Encoding below
short w;
short h;
// 4-byte null?
int unknown;            // Flags?
  These seem to match encodings used here, so it probably came from some
  nintendo-provided library.

  It is unclear which all encodings are used in the game or actually supported
  by the engine.
enum Encoding {
    I4 = 0x00,
    I8 = 0x01,
    IA4 = 0x02,
    IA8 = 0x03,
    RGB565 = 0x04,
    RGB5A3 = 0x05,  // Used
    RGBA32 = 0x06,  // Used
    C4 = 0x08,
    C8 = 0x09,
    C14X2 = 0x0A,
    CMPR = 0x0E     // Used